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University Committee Seats

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GAPSA is responsible for appointing graduate & professional student representatives to the University Council and University committees, where we shall have the power to make recommendations directly to the University administration. Through these platforms, we shall represent the voices of the students and advocate for the best interest of our constituents. 

The University Council and Committee appointment process is coordinated by GAPSA President, Vice President of Advocacy, and the Director of Equity & Access. GAPSA Council Chairs (Research Council, Professional Council, and IDEAL Council), the Director of International Student Affairs, and the Director of Student Wellness shall also monitor the process and recommend representatives to the General Assembly. All appointments must be officially nominated by the General Assembly. More details are outlined in GAPSA Constitution’s Article IX.

Most seats are filled during the early Fall through a nomination system. Please contact GAPSA Vice President of Advocacy and Director of Equity & Access for more information about any of these roles.


The University Council of the University of Pennsylvania is a deliberative and broadly representative forum which exists to consider the activities of the University in all its phases, with particular attention to the educational objectives of the University and those matters that affect the common interests of faculty, staff and students. It may recommend general policies and otherwise advise the president, the provost, and other officers of the University. It is authorized to initiate policy proposals as well as to express its judgment on those submitted to it by the administrative officers of the University and its various academic divisions. It is also empowered to request information through appropriate channels from any member of the University administration.

  • The University Council of the University of Pennsylvania is a deliberative and broadly representative forum which exists to consider the activities of the University in all its phases, with particular attention to the educational objectives of the University and those matters that affect the common interests of faculty, staff and students. It may recommend general policies and otherwise advise the president, the provost, and other officers of the University. It is authorized to initiate policy proposals as well as to express its judgment on those submitted to it by the administrative officers of the University and its various academic divisions. It is also empowered to request information through appropriate channels from any member of the University administration.

    GAPSA sends 15 students to University Council. Some seats are based on students’ roles within GAPSA, and others are at GAPSA’s discretion to appoint from the graduate student community.

    Meetings: Wednesday, 4-6 p.m.

    Current representatives: Michael Krone (Law/Wharton), Alex Chmielinski (Dental), Ludwig Zhao (SEAS), Saloni Tandon (SP2), Gabrielle Newell (GSE), Nakisha Jones (SAS), Guarav Mangal (SEAS)

  • The Steering Committee prepares the agenda for Council meetings and may give its advice concerning resolutions that committees elect to place on the agenda. Committee Information is available here.

    Meetings: Wednesday, 3-4 p.m.

    Current representatives: Michael Krone (Law/Wharton, GAPSA President), Ludwig Zhao (SEAS, GAPSA Research Council Chair)

  • Committee Information and charges are available here.

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of the page.

  • Committee information and charges are available here.

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of the page.

  • The Committee on Diversity and Equity aids Penn in fostering and taking full advantage of its diversity as well as in strengthening ties across all boundaries to enrich and enliven the campus community. The Committee shall advise the offices of the president, provost, and the executive vice presidents on ways to develop and maintain a supportive atmosphere on campus for the inclusion and appreciation of diversity among all members of the University community. The Committee will review and provide advice regarding the University’s equal opportunity and affirmative action programs and policies. The areas in which the Committee shall report to the Council include diversity within the educational and work settings, integration of staff and faculty into the larger campus community, and ways to foster a campus environment that is inclusive and supportive of difference. The Committee also will advise the administration on specific diversity issues that may arise on campus. More committee information is available here.

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Committee on Facilities shall be responsible for keeping under review the planning and operation by the University of its physical plant and all services associated therewith, including transportation and parking. More committee information is available here.

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Committee on Honorary Degrees welcomes nominations from faculty and staff members and students for honorary degrees to be awarded by the University at Commencement and at special convocations and submits a slate of nominees for action by the trustees. It may make recommendations to the president regarding Commencement speakers and the conduct of special convocations. More committee information is available here..

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Committee on Open Expression has as its major task: monitoring the communication processes to prevent conflicts that might emerge from failure of communication, recommending policies and procedures for improvement of all levels of communication, investigating alleged infringements of the right of open expression of any member or members of the University community, advising administrative officers where appropriate, and participating in evaluation and resolution of conflicts that may arise from incidents or disturbances on campus. More committee information and charges are available here.

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of the page.

  • You can view the latest report of the Committee on Committees here.

    Current representative: Michael Krone (Law/Wharton, GAPSA President)


  • The Academic Planning and Budget Committee meets every other week throughout the academic year to provide advice on academic policies and procedures, interdisciplinary and cross-school efforts, strategic planning issues, research support and regulations, budgetary issues, and such matters as faculty and minority gender equity, early retirement, and personnel benefits. It also advises the Provost on school and center external review recommendations and proposed new academic degrees and new research institutes.

    The membership of the Committee consists of the Provost, who serves as Chair; nine faculty members, five selected by the Faculty Senate and four by the Provost; two administrative members named by the Provost; and two undergraduate and two graduate/professional students, nominated by the appropriate undergraduate and graduate processes. Members of the Provost’s staff may also attend for informational purposes.

    Current representatives: Michael Krone (Law), Ludwig Zhao (SEAS)

  • The Penn SRAC shall advise the University Trustees and make recommendations to the Trustee Proxy Voting Subcommittee of the Executive Committee concerning decisions on Proxy Voting. A Resolution to Establish Procedures for Proxy Voting was passed by the Executive Committee on May 15, 2003. The work of the committee is guided by the Statement on Responsibility Concerning Endowment Securities adopted by the Board of Trustees.

    More Information

    Current representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Committee on Manufacturer Responsibility evaluates Penn’s suppliers and ensures that all users of the University’s logos and intellectual property comply with fair labor standards and human rights practices. You can view their latest report here.

    Current representative: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Provost of the University of Pennsylvania sponsors the Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee (SHIAC) with cross-University representation and health insurance expertise. SHIAC comprises students, faculty and staff from across the campus and is chaired by the Vice Provost for Education. The Committee’s primary responsibility is to review, evaluate and negotiate the renewal of the Penn Student Health Insurance Plan (PSIP) on an annual basis. SHIAC also serves as a forum for discussing issues relevant to the provision of the best possible health insurance plan to meet the needs of the students and the University. Periodically, SHIAC works with other University offices and consultants as appropriate to solicit competitive bids from student health insurance carriers to ensure a plan that is priced appropriately with a rich benefit structure and service structure. Given a rapidly changing health insurance market and regulatory environment, SHIAC continues to evaluate the diverse needs of the student population and advocate for solutions to complex health insurance issues that arise.

    Anyone from the Penn community can email their suggestions and questions to SHIAC at

    More information

    Current Representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Graduate Council of the Faculties is an advisory body to the Provost. The Council is chaired by the Vice Provost for Education, and its members are elected by the School faculties according to their by-laws, with the following representation: seven members from the School of Arts and Sciences, two members from Biomedical Graduate Studies, and one member from each of the Annenberg School for Communication, School of Design, Graduate School of Education, School of Nursing, School of Social Policy and Practice, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Wharton School. In addition, three Ph.D. candidates serve on the council, selected by the Vice Provost for Education on the recommendation of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly.

    The Graduate Council assists in the evaluation of graduate programs by participating in or conducing periodic reviews; advises on policy matters related to the well-being of graduate education; advises concerning University-wide admissions and degree requirements for the PhD, AM, and MS degrees; and certifies for the Trustees the candidates for the award of those degrees.

    Current representatives:

    1. Ludwig Zhao (SEAS), Chair of Research Council, GAPSA

    2. Ananth Srinivas (SAS), President of SASGov and Director of Public Relations, GAPSA

    3. Vacant Seat Open - apply at the top of this page.


GAPSA holds liaison seats on the University’s Board of Trustees’ standing committees. Representatives are below, and more information about the Trustees and University governance is here.

  • Current Representative: Ludwig Zhao (GAPSA Research Council Chair)

  • Current Representative: Phoenyx Shalom (GAPSA VP of Finance)

  • Current representative: Mayowa Fageyinbo (GAPSA VP of Advocacy)

  • Current representative: Mo Soumaora (GAPSA VP of Operations)

  • Current representative: Joelle Lingat (GAPSA President)


  • The ultimate goal of the board is one of influencing University policy and developing initiatives that benefit all parties. The board may accomplish this goal by sharing pertinent information and policy recommendations, and/or other actions the board deems appropriate.

    Current Representatives: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • The Penn Museum Graduate Advisory Council (GAC) is a representative council dedicated to facilitating engagement among graduate students and promoting their involvement both as collaborative stakeholders within and as advisers to the Penn Museum. More information is available here.

    Current Representative: Open - apply at the top of this page.

  • Wellness @ Penn seeks student input on its programs to improve the mental and physical health of students and the health of the Penn community.

    More information is available here.

    Current representative: Open - apply at the top of this page.