The General Assembly of GAPSA authorizes the Division of Finance to use the budget. Budgeting is a dynamic process and includes these two: the provisional budget for summer and the annual budget after the carryover release. For any questions about the budget, please reach out to gapsa.budget@gapsa.upenn.edu
Budget 2024 - 2025
FY24 Executive Summary:
FY24 saw a $1.2 million reduction to our budget, a shift resulting from the absence of our standard carryover, which had swelled due to lower expenditures amid COVID-19. While this may appear as a significant reduction, it realigns our finances to a more traditional state akin to that before the pandemic. In our commitment to inclusivity, the preceding Budget Subcommittee conducted a thorough survey with the General Assembly to prioritize budgetary elements. This survey, complemented by FY23 usage data, guided the formulation of the FY24 Budget. This budget, reflective of collective input and practical realities, was then endorsed by the FY24 General Assembly.
Reduced Leadership Allocations: Reflecting community feedback, we've reduced the leadership budget from $89K to $17K, ensuring we preserve funds for prioritized initiatives.
Prioritized Sustenance of G12+ Student Government Funding: G12+ Student Government's budget exemplifies our most protected sector, experiencing a modest 12% decrease compared to other divisions, which faced cuts ranging from 31% to a significant 76%, showcasing our commitment to supporting student governments.
Centralized Development Funding: To foster greater efficiency, we've centralized development funding under the Operations budget, removing it from individual GAPSA divisions for more cohesive development efforts.
Council's Budget Integrity: We preserved the foundational funding for IDEAL, RC, and PC, reaffirming our commitment to these vital divisions.
Prioritizing Student Group Support: Responding to the GA's prioritization, Student Groups have access to over $243K in funding this year, demonstrating our commitment to student-led initiatives.
Please direct all your questions about the budget to gapsa.budget@gapsa.upenn.edu.