Any individual or student group funded through GAPSA must abide by all GAPSA policies. You can learn about GAPSA’s policies in our bylaws and FAQs. Some highlighted policies are:
Advertisement: The Advertising Policy requires all student groups recieving funding from GAPSA (in part or full) to advertise their events through the GAPSA newsletter. To advertise in the newsletter, please fill this application. To advertise on our social media, please email our PR team.
Branding: The Branding Policy requires all individual students recieving funding from GAPSA (in part or full) to acknowledge GAPSA in any document produced as a result of the grant. Additionally, it requires all student groups to use the 'GAPSA Funded' logo on all publicity materials. The logos can be found here.
Sunshine: The Sunshine Policy is a budget mandate established by the General Assembly and GAPSA Finance to promote financial transparency and accountability. All direct or indirect support by GAPSA requires disclosure of budgeted and actual expenses and revenue, including funding sources, and GAPSA Advisory Services (GAS) certifies compliance with funding guidelines.
Additionally, all students are required to follow Penn policies at all times, both on and off campus. In particular, when attending GAPSA or other student group events, the following policies must be followed:
Students who witness any violation of University policy may report the incident to the Office of Student Conduct, or the Office of the Associate Vice President and Title IX Officer for concerns related to violations of the University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. In addition to these formal reporting options, the Office of Student Conduct's Restorative Practices@Penn Program is an avenue for resolving conflicts and addressing harm. To see additional applicable policies, reporting, and grievance procedures, visit www.gsc.upenn.edu/reporting.
The University provides several Confidential Campus Resources that can provide support, counseling, and advice about reporting options, including Special Services, the Penn Women’s Center, Student Health & Counseling, the Chaplain, and more. See the list at https://pvp.vpul.upenn.edu/resources/.
Please report any violation of GAPSA Finance Policies to gapsa.finance@gapsa.upenn.edu, and the violation of any University Policy to Katie Bonner at the Office of Student Affairs. Students may also file complaints against GAPSA to Katie Bonner at the Office of Student Affairs.